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How to Keep the Peace Through Divorce

How to Keep the Peace Through Divorce

How to Keep the Peace Through Divorce

Over half of all marriages are ending in divorce. Under most circumstances these times are wrought with emotions. It can be hard to maintain composure much less peace during times of divorce. With hard work and careful consideration, keeping peace through divorce can be done. Mestayer Law Firm wants to help you with the following tips.

Here are a few ways to keep the peace through divorce.

Find a safe place to vent.

Negative emotions are normal and are often warranted. Especially if you were wronged in your marriage. Bottling these emotions up is not healthy. However, exploding to your soon-to-be ex-spouse, children or others is not healthy either. It is best to find a safe place to be able to unload these toxic emotions. Consider a reputable counselor and attend sessions regularly. If that is not an option due to cost or your schedule then enlist a trusted confidant. At the very least, keep a confidential journal. A simple notebook where you can say everything you want to say out loud, but in private. Be sure to tuck it away safely out of reach of your children. Using these tactics will clear your mind, give your emotions their due and enable you to face the next day in the healthiest way possible given the tough time.

Put your children first.

This is an oft-used phrase. And rightly so. It is very damaging for children of any age to hear one or both parents bad mouthing the other. It only exacerbates the situation as tempers continue to rise. Fighting in front of the children in the process of divorce leaves lasting scars. On your own, bad mouthing the other parent to your children only makes you look bad in the end. As difficult as it seems take the high road and keep your negative comments to yourself in front of the kids.

Keep a healthy distance.

Now that you have decided to part it is very important to maintain healthy boundaries. This is challenging with our text and email heavy society. Always remember, there is no obligation on your part to respond to every text or every email. If doing so disrupts peace, then let the communication go unreplied. Engaging in conversations verbally, in text or in email sometimes only prolongs suffering and continues to pick at unhealed emotional wounds.

Defer to your attorneys or mediators.

If it is necessary to communicate but you simply cannot handle it well, it is fine to defer to the professionals. They can communicate pertinent information on your behalf which takes you out of the equation and maintains a much needed equilibrium.

Try to keep your perspective.

In times of immense struggle like those of divorce it seems like time stands still. Try to remember that this time will pass. Your life will return to a new normal. If you can try your best to maintain perspective it lends itself to more peace as you navigate the storms of divorce. Remember, it will be history a year from now.

Mestayer Law Firm provides civil litigation for clients throughout the Gulf Coast area including Pascagoula, Biloxi, and Gulfport. If you are making future plans for your estate, then contact us today and let us help take care of every detail of your finances. Call us today at 228-762-1193 or visit We are your legal experts! You can also visit our office located at 2128 Ingalls Ave. in Pascagoula, Mississippi. We look forward to talking with you! 

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

This article does not create an attorney-client relationship. I am licensed to practice law in Mississippi and have based the information presented on US laws. This article is legal information and is for entertainment and informational purposes only and should not be seen as legal advice. You should consult with an attorney before you rely on this information. Any information provided in this blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but that there may be omissions, errors, or mistakes.

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